Its one thing that I wake in the morning to see that it’s a rainy day.
It’s entirely another to wake up most mornings and simply feel that way.
Most mornings I just wake up, admiring the way the light plays with the sky blue of my walls, blurring the edges of the walls into a generous summer sky, irrespective of the weather outside. I further the feeling by drawing curtains, the colour of a stormy sky; where the clouds are thickening, but not thick as to sport the grey uniforms of somber soldiers.
It lends a pattern to the summer sky around me, patches of golden interspersing the faultless expanse. In the quiet gloom of the morning hours, it gives my dream addled brain a little longer to hold on to the fantastical images that lend extraordinary depth to pre-dawn dreams.
And then the waking dream has to end, as all dreams must.
It is not the end I fear, but the dream itself. For if there is no dream then there will be nothing to end.
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