Saturday, February 2, 2008

Love? Hardly!

There are only so many things that render some things irreparably broken.Sorrow is one of them. There are so many many ways this one word can leave a person flailing and helpless, with no want of rescue. It is a double edged knife. Either it cuts down or moulds into steel, the former not necessarily a bad thing and the latter not necessarily a good outcome.

A broken heart is sometimes a good thing. The pain sharpens the reality of the situation and helps you really 'see' things, as they actually are. I know it sounds cold and heartless to say that, but it has taught many a young person the difference between reality and fantasy. It can show that the hottest girl in school has space to rent in that pretty head of hers, or prove that that quarterback everyone drools over is really as full of air as that foolball he kicks around. It also gives you a certain amount of sadistic pleasure when you put his head in place of the football.

Before you think that I'm writing this because this personally applies to me, have this image of me sneering and shaking my head.

That said, why do we even try? I suppose a dire need to "not be alone" qualifies as a half-witted reason to precariously balance that overly lost soul of ours on the line and hope no train comes that way. I think you should stop reading those trashy romance novels and start off philosophy.
At least a meagre intellect is better than an air-headed hopelessly romantic damsel not-so-in-distress. Please wait till I put my head between my knees to get rid of the nausea rising in my throat. Utterly pathetic.

I have no clue about what some people think, especially when they go all fluttery eyed and goffy grinned over some one they are eyeing. Does it not clearly show of uncontrolled minds? I have lost controll several times, but only in anger I assure you. I think that gives me immunity against
the hoardes of cupid crippled mortals around. I hope and pray that it is not air bourne. Or that my Hara Kiri sword is ready when I have the symptoms. Hey! I'm only human. I can be affected. Maybe.

Much to my chagrin, they downplay something as pure as love into an item. Something you can pick up from the nearest romance trash cinema /novel. They go around singing like insane canaries and smiling like they just bought out the top ten of the Fortune 500. Ghastly behaviour such as an inappropriate amount of cheerfulness and a little too much spring in their step, should be made offences punishable by law.

I'm sure you can as much deduce my feelings on the appropriate behaviour for those who claim to be in love with someone. I always believe that love is love, no matter what the source. Now can I smirk at my obvious superiority and control?

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