Looking back on the years that have passed,
There are several memories scattered;
Some of euphoria, and some quite sour,
Yet all of them equally mattered,
In making the trip through the varied land;
At time lush green and teeming with life,
And later regions of barrenness like a desert
Representing all our successes and strife.
A mixed feeling engulfs when we think of the time,
We will separate to follow stars of our own;
Excitement in facing an unknown world ahead
And fear of leaving a comfortably numb zone.
But most of all to find that the days may be empty,
Of filled to the brim with things to do;
Either way there may no longer be company,
That will comfort and help you pull through.
The joy that we shared, the laughs that we had,
And the outrageous stories that raged;
Of people and events; some so unbelievable,
That it’s possible they were all staged.
Gossip and tips and all the knick-knacks,
On things that mattered, or didn’t;
Bring wide smiles, and probably sly grins,
For things we did, but quite shouldn’t.
Moments of truth, perhaps quite unpleasant,
That brought us to tears or frustration;
Yet we trudged on, like soldiers in fog,
Towards a road, either to success or perdition.
Times like these may never return,
Bottled and stored, fresh long after the present;
It seems like yesterday, we arrived at these gates,
Many years it has been, so short: as a moment.
There are several memories scattered;
Some of euphoria, and some quite sour,
Yet all of them equally mattered,
In making the trip through the varied land;
At time lush green and teeming with life,
And later regions of barrenness like a desert
Representing all our successes and strife.
A mixed feeling engulfs when we think of the time,
We will separate to follow stars of our own;
Excitement in facing an unknown world ahead
And fear of leaving a comfortably numb zone.
But most of all to find that the days may be empty,
Of filled to the brim with things to do;
Either way there may no longer be company,
That will comfort and help you pull through.
The joy that we shared, the laughs that we had,
And the outrageous stories that raged;
Of people and events; some so unbelievable,
That it’s possible they were all staged.
Gossip and tips and all the knick-knacks,
On things that mattered, or didn’t;
Bring wide smiles, and probably sly grins,
For things we did, but quite shouldn’t.
Moments of truth, perhaps quite unpleasant,
That brought us to tears or frustration;
Yet we trudged on, like soldiers in fog,
Towards a road, either to success or perdition.
Times like these may never return,
Bottled and stored, fresh long after the present;
It seems like yesterday, we arrived at these gates,
Many years it has been, so short: as a moment.